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Session 1

Organising Business Models for the Circular Economy

Jan Jonker and Niels Faber
Session 2New Business Models, Sustainable Development and Corporate Strategic ManagementRupert J. Baumgartner, Romana Rauter, Morgane C. Fritz
Session 3Managing Sustainability-Oriented Business Models: Frameworks, Tools, and CasesFlorian Lüdeke-Freund and Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen
Session 4Business Models for Social EntrepreneurshipNikolay Dentchev and Philippe Eiselein
Session 5Business Models in the Age of DigitalisationChristiana Müller, Wolfgang Vorraber, Josef-Peter Schöggl and Romana Rauter
Session 6Crafting Regional Business Models
Moniek Kamm
Session 7Insights on Business Models from Young AcademicsMartina Zimek, Aisma Linda Kiesnere and Ivan Bozhikin
Session 8When business models have to be explained in corporate reportingStéphane Trébucq and Elisabetta Magnaghi


Some examples of abstracts from last year can be found on the right section of this page.


Workshop 1Designing Sustainable Business with the Honeycomb Business Model Design ToolKaren Miller
Workshop 2How to Model Sustainable Business - The Business Innovation Kit and Sustainability Innovation Pack
Henning Breuer and Florian Lüdeke-Freund
Workshop 3Exploring a Systems Dynamics Model for the Circular Economy
Hans Stegeman
Workshop 4Identifying Value Opportunities with the Sustainable Value Analysis Tool
Miying Yang and Doroteya Vladimirova




1. Accepted abstracts as well as short papers (if requested by the author(s)) will be published online as Conference Proceedings (with ISSN) immediately after the conference in June 2017.

2. Special Issue the journal of "Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde", a practitioner oriented journal, based in Belgium. More information will be provided as soon as possible. For details, see Downloads.

3. Special Issue in the "International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility", submission guidelines (word.doc), https://jcsr.springeropen.com/about

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